
Saffron, A Red Gold Of Nature

Saffron is considered as one of the most exotic spices on the planet. It is also the oldest spices which have been utilized for many years in countries like Iran, China, Egypt and India. Saffron can be use as gastronomic and therapeutic. In ancient Persian, Egyptian and Indian cultures, saffron was utilized as an aphrodisiac. It was thought that saffron was so efficient in cleansing your body, boosting sexual desire as well as sharpening your mind. Saffron has also been utilized as a seasoning, dye, medicine and fragrance for over 3,000 years.

Saffron is very effective on improving the mood. It’s said that if you eat too much saffron, you will die laughing. Studies showed that saffron could be a natural healing substance. Saffron is claimed to have potential for a role in age-related macular degeneration and treatment of cancer (source: drugs.com). I is also claimed to be a good sexual drive stimulator, anti-depressant, anti-tumor, anti-Alzheimer, anti-Parkinson, food digestive, stomach stimulator, anti-spasm, good for attention, sleep and memory, natural pain reliever and good for high blood pressure and cholesterol (source: WebMD).


Saffron is so expensive. There are many fake and adulterated products being dyed to mimic saffron. In order for you to find out whether your saffron is pure or not, immerse little amount of product in milk or warm water and once the water change it colors right away, then the saffron is just an imitation. True saffron must soak in milk or warm water for at least 10 up to 15 minutes prior its deep red color and the aroma start to develop.

Spanish Saffron

Spanish Saffron Spanish Saffron is one of the most well-known and sought after spices with origins in the most attractive places. This exotic spice is often sold in smaller bundles of red long strands and is noted for its more intense yellow color imparted on dishes and complexities of flavor that it brings. Short History of Spanish Saffron The tern “saffron” was actually derived from the Persian word “safra” [...]

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Afghan Saffron

Afghan Saffron The arid climate and dry winds in Afghanistan makes this place an ideal environment to grow and cultivate Saffron. In certain parts of Afghanistan, saffron has actually been very successful. Perfectly suited to environment and climate, Afghan Saffron is certainly an exotic spice that has significantly established itself among private companies, traders, farmers, farmers and even buyers as excellent income-generating opportunity. History of Afghan Saffron Saffron cultivation was [...]

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Best Zafran Brand in the World Saffron or Zafran, the king of spices, is the most expensive spice in the world. Zafran comes from the dried stigmas of the Crocus sativus Linnaeus. Why is Saffron a most expensive spice? The reason is the long and intensive drying process of the dried stigmas which were hand-picked after over six-week time. With such elaborate process, the fresh Saffron has its worth almost [...]

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How is saffron quality measured?

Saffron is considered as one of the most expensive spices in the world today that is why it is important to know how its quality is being measured. Since it is very expensive, you have to be careful in choosing the right and high quality saffron to provide value for you money. The Saffron’s quality is actually commonly measured through its coloring strength. It is one of the most [...]

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The Essential Uses of Saffron

Saffron is among the useful spices around the world. It is also one among the oldest spices that is being used for over centuries in various countries such as China, India, and Egypt. Saffron has excellent health benefits both for gastronomic and therapeutic uses. In ancient Egyptian and Indian cultures, saffron has been used as aphrodisiac. It is also believed that it is effective in the cleansing of the body, [...]

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Fresh Saffron: One Of The Most Excellent Spices

Fresh saffron is actually unique compared to other fresh produce. Saffron thread is not being sold right away after the threads have been plucked from its flower. It still needs to undergo various processes that may be time consuming and laborious. It is the reason why it is one of the costliest spices all over the world. Its production is not that simple. It needs to be dehydrated in order [...]

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Storing Saffron – How Long Can It Stored?

Saffron is a flower being widely used all over the world as a spice. It contains a natural chemical called Crocin and this is the reason why they have colors. Crocin can be found in the part of the flower where red thread is visible. This type of chemical has the highest amount when the flower is fresh but as it grows old the chemical also changes and this are [...]

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What are the Signs of Good Quality Saffron?

Saffron is considered as one of the oldest herbs available today, and it has also been used for several purposes. The stigmas of saffron are believed to cure some illnesses, and it is also thought to have the ability to create the strong dye. Saffron is also one of the oldest spices that you can find on the market today that is why it is highly essential to choose the [...]

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What is Pure Saffron?

Pure Saffron is considered as the most expensive spices that you can find in the world today. Saffron is an expensive spice derived from Crocus sativus flower also known as saffron crocus. Throughout the history, many dishonest dealers are trying to spoil their saffron through adding some similar materials or by dyeing some lower quality saffron strands red. Pure saffron contains just the stigma of the flower of Crocus sativus [...]

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How Hard Can It Be To Use Saffron?

Saffron is well known as one among the costliest spices around the world. For many centuries, it has been used as food spices, and it is also being used for medicinal purposes. Use Saffron first appearance is noted at Arabian markets, and since then it spread to different parts of the globe. And up until now, it is commonly used in every household for its benefits in the kitchen as [...]

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How to Keep Saffron Fresh

Saffron is one the priciest spices used for cooking, which gives dishes a delightful taste.  This is derived from dried stigmas of saffron crocus that gives a sweet flavor and auburn color in the dishes. It takes about 250,000 threads to make ½ kilo of saffron. Saffron is not just like any other spices available in the market with a cheap price. Saffron price is high but the good thing [...]

How to Cook with Saffron

Saffron is one of the basic ingredients particularly in European and middle eastern cuisines that give an interesting look and great taste in saffron dishes. There are people saying that saffron is one of the priciest ingredients that you can add to your food. The main reason can be the goodness that this may bring in foods and its availability in the market. Some say that saffron is not that [...]

How to Lose Weight With Saffron

Saffron is one of those rare and expensive ingredients that are used for cooking to give a delicious taste to dishes. Mehr Saffron adds richness to the food because of its natural aroma and great color. When you talk about the saffron spice, the dishes that come first in your mind are the saffron rice and paella. These two are really perfect and delicious that they became popular in Spain [...]

How to Make Delicious Saffron Recipes

All red saffron is one of the exclusive ingredients that add great taste to many cuisine. There is no doubt why this saffron spice is really costly. It takes about thousands of saffron threads to complete 1 kilo of saffron. Only a small amount of thread can make a lot of difference in the taste of your dish. Harvesting saffron is not easy that’s why saffron price is really high [...]

Avere il valore del vostro denaro con il Zafferano di Mehr

( Zafferano è un po' costoso, perché solo mezzo chilo di zafferano può essere estratto da 70.000 fiori) Solo 50gr di zafferano richiede oltre 6.000 fiori di zafferano viola, duro lavoro e cura supplementare. L'antenna rosso dei fiori deve essere raccolta a mano singolarmente e asciugata completamente. Il problema più grande nella coltivazione dello zafferano è il rapido esaurimento nutrienti del suolo. Per poterlo ricostituire completamente, altre coltivazioni come i fagioli o il grano dovrebbero [...]

Das macht Safran so wertvoll

Safran ist aus drei Gründen so teuer: Die Krokusse blühen nur etwa zwei Wochen im Jahr (im Herbst), die Stempelfäden (Griffel), die das Gewürz enthalten, sind winzig und müssen von Hand gepflückt werden. Für 1 g trockene Safranfäden müssen 150 Krokusse geerntet werden. Das Ernten muss schnell gehen, es beginnt kurz vor Morgengrauen, sobald die Sonne aufgegangen ist, stehen die Krokusse in voller Blüte, danach beginnen sie schnell zu welken. [...]

Azafrán Mehr y sus excelentes cualidades

El azafrán se extrae de la flor Crocus Sativus Linnaeus, flor conocida también como  Rosa del Azafrán, la cual pertenece a la familia Iridaceae, Género Crocus, para extraer el azafrán  se usan los estigmas secos de la flor, la cual tiene un bello color lila, con estambres de color amarillo y estigmas de color rojo. El azafrán ya era conocido y mencionado en el año 2300 A. C, se le [...]

Saffron Gift, Luxury Gift of Nature

Saffron Gift – A Luxury Gift From Nature Saffron is among the most beneficial spices that are used to enhance the flavors of various dishes. It’s also among the oldest spices that have been utilized for centuries in countries such as China, Egypt and India. This spice got both gastronomic and therapeutic uses. In ancient Persian, Egyptian and Indian cultures, the spice was utilized as an aphrodisiac. Saffron was believed [...]

Pure Saffron – as a weight loss substance

Pure Saffron Pure Saffron - as a weight loss substance is also highly recommended for cancer in the breast It contains bioactive compounds that will be responsible for the color, aroma and flavor. It comes with phytoactive components, various crocins, kaempferol, lycopene and many more. Saffron is proven to be beneficial, as it comes with certain properties that are very useful when it comes to health. Pure Saffron - as a [...]

Benefits of Saffron

Saffron is the most expensive spices come from the dried stigma of flower also known as Zaferan in Middle East, La Mancha in Spain and Kumkumapoo or Kesar in India. Benefits of Saffron is well thought out as a golden spice because it may not just utilized in food business, turning all dishes into a remarkable one, saffron also beneficial to many health problems. It utilized as medicine from old [...]

How to use Saffron for Cooking

Using Saffron for cooking has been utilized more than centuries as aromatic and natural coloring in food, drinks and pastries.Consuming Saffron for cooking is also utilized widely in Persian, Asian, Moroccan, European, Turkish, North African, Arab, Spanish and Indian cuisines. According to the experts, the aroma that saffron produces has a resemblance to honey, with hay-like, grassy notes. It tastes like hay, with hints of bitter. Even if saffron stigmas [...]

Where can I find best saffron price?

Saffron price is the highest costly spices available for a lot of years. In bygone times it was utilized rather than of real currency in Greece and South West Asia, where it was made and utilized. Saffron itself doesn’t have the capability to grow especially in the wild area and assumed to have been promulgating in cross breeding. Saffron has bitter taste and unmistakable smell outcome from the substances, safranal [...]

What is Saffron Spice

Saffron Spice comes from the intensely colored stigmas as well as style of the purple flowering crocus plant. Saffron spice is the most costly spice all over the world. It is accessible at grocery stores; however you may need to ask it. Most of the time it is stored behind the counter rather than displaying it on the shelves as it is so expensive and comes in tiny containers. [...]

How to Buy Saffron the Smart Way

Purchasing Saffron – How to Buy Saffron the Smart Way   Renowned as among the priciest spices of all time, the Saffron spice first appeared in the middle east markets. From here, this spice has spread to different parts of the world. Saffron is costly due to the time-consuming and delicate process of its production. Hand harvesting the spice after the flowers are in total bloom in fall is [...]


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